Great news for all the stargazers out there!
A ‘harvest moon’ is rolling into town and hitting up Ottawa skies. The moon is reaching its peak fullness tonight, at 5pm EST technically before the sun sets, but it will still be incredibly bright and stunning once it gets dark.
According to experts, the best time to catch it is between when the sun sets at 6:37 pm EDT and when the full moon rises at 6:57 p.m. EDT, but just remember to look up to the skies any time after dark for a glimpse (it’s completely clear tonight!).
So, lovers of space and stars, prepare your outdoor chairs because the first full moon of autumn is going to be a sight to behold.
According to NASA, the name ‘harvest moon’ is an old European name that came about as far back as 1706, when Maine Farmers Almanac published older native-American names for full moons.
The Harvest Moon is an old European name with the Oxford English Dictionary giving 1706 as the year of its first published use. Most years the Harvest Moon falls in September but this is one of the years it falls in October.
“According to this almanac, as the full Moon in October and the first full Moon of fall, the Algonquin tribes in what is now the northeastern USA called this the Travel Moon, the Dying Grass Moon, or the Sanguine or Blood Moon,” they explained. “Some sources indicate that the Dying Grass, Sanguine, and Blood Moon names are related to the turning of the leaves and dying back of plants with the start of fall.”
So, set your alarms and take in the stunning moon while you can! It’s one of the few years the “Harvest Moon” falls in October, and it will appear full for about three days, from Wednesday morning through Saturday morning.
Featured Image Source: Ganapathy Kumar on Unsplash